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  • Writer's pictureEnd Times Bible Prophecy

Court  for a young  Lady  Suffering  persecution  And life in prison 

BELOVED read and find out the outcome of this yong Lady it's a awesome Story

《By Rev Evangeilist Justin Davis》

Aug 16 2019

A young lady committed a crime and she was sent to court. The punishment for the crime was life imprisonment. She shed tears for help but to no one available for help. When the case was called in court she started weeping. Her family and friends who accompanied her started weeping but there was no hope. But something happened. Before the young lady could stand in the witness box a man stood up and the court room was silent. Everyone looked at Him. He was noble and gentle. He stood in the witness box and interceded on behalf of the woman. The case was difficult, yet He used all His strength, energy and resources to fight on behalf of the woman. After a long legal battle between the man and the accusers, the lady was set free. The lady fell before the man and asked *'WHO ARE YOU'* The next day the lady deliberately committed another crime and was sent to the same court. As soon as she entered the courtroom, she saw the man who interceded for her the previous day on the judgement seat. He was no longer a lawyer, but a judge. With smiles on her face the lady said *'I have come again'* The man lifted his head and said 'yesterday I was a lawyer, so I fought for you, even when you were guilty. But today I am a judge and my judgement must be fair.' With tears in the ladies eyes she asked for the second time *'WHO ARE YOU'* and the man replied *"YESTERDAY I WAS YOUR SAVIOUR. BUT NOW I AM YOUR JUDGE"* Today Christ Jesus is our lawyer and redeemer, but a day is coming when He will give a fair judgement to everyone. *JESUS IS COMING SOON, SO PREPARE TO MEET HIM*.

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