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Our Mission statement

Glory to God ministries I have been assigned to preach the gospel to evangelize to feed the homeless to pray for individuals Homeless I...

The Tribulation End of the World

The tribulation will be worse by far. When you hear that millions have inexplicably disappeared you will have seven horrible years. If...

{"Second Coming of Christ & ARMAGEDDON"}

{" Syrian Government Will Not Spur the Second Coming of Christ and the ARMAGEDDON"} By Rev Evangelist Justin Davis Updated Feb 29...

The BEAST: Who Will Worship it  ?

The Beast: Who Will Worship It? Table of Contents1.Who Will Worship It?2.The Final Conflict3.The Battle Over Worship4.Secular...

5G & The  Antichrist 

5G & The Antichrist By Rev Evangeilist Justin Davis What is 5G? Does it have prophetic ramifications? What is 1g, 2G,3G, and 4G? What...

WARNING The Mark of the Beast

People this is What i been talk of in the Last 5 year's and been WARING YALL ABOUT THE MARK OF THE REFID MICROCHIP IMPLANTS IS THE...


A human microchip implant is typically an identifying integrated circuit device or RFID transponder encased in silicate glass and...

Blog: Blog2
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